Title agent taking a picture of happy new homeowners in the office.

Title Insurance Protections

Title Insurance provides protection from title defects such as:

  • False impersonation of the true owner of the property.
  • Forged deeds, releases or other documents.
  • Deeds of persons of unsound mind or under duress. 
  • Deeds by minors.
  • Deeds not properly delivered.
  • Invalid documents completed by an expired power of attorney.
  • Invalid deeds delivered after the death of the grantor.
  • Undisclosed or missing heirs; wills not properly probated. 
  • Deeds by supposedly single persons but actually married whose spouse had marital homestead rights
  • Fraud.
  • Claims for unpaid estate inheritance and gift taxes against prior owners.
  • Incorrect legal descriptions.
  • Recorded defects, liens, encumbrances or adverse claims.